Love is Your Real Name

There is so much confusion around the word “love.”

Everyone is obsessed with it, yet nobody knows what it means.

Since our birth, we’ve been fed ideas of love by our society. We look to love songs, poetry, films, and novels to help us capture what love means.

On one level, we resonate with these ideas. We know love to be something magical and otherworldly.

On another level, there’s an undercurrent of insecurity.

It’s a tale as old as time: you meet someone and there’s an instant connection. The chemistry is undeniable. You’re in a flight of fancy on what the future holds. You’re in sync with each other like two peas in a pod.

Sooner or later, the spark dwindles and you’re out of the present moment. The ecstacy is replaced with insecurity.

You fear they are going to leave. You fear there’s someone else. You fear they won’t measure up to the expectations you placed upon them. You fear they’ll change their mind about you.

Above all, you fear you’ll lose something so special.

It can be a maddening experience. One moment they are the object of all your desires. The next moment they are the source of all your pain and suffering.

So, if love makes us feel good, why does it also make us feel bad?

If love is supposed to make us complete, why do we still feel incomplete when we have it? Why is the person we rely on for emotional security the same person who makes us feel insecure?

The answer: Because it’s not Love.

What we know to be ‘love’ is a watered-down version passed down by many generations of societal conditioning. It’s a version of love deluded by the limitations of the mind:

I love you if you love me. I love you because you make me feel special. I love you, therefore you must promise to make me happy and never leave me. I love you, so you better take care of my needs. Otherwise, I will resent you.

We think this is love because it’s everywhere: from our everyday conversations to what we see in the media; from what our caretakers teach us to what is considered normal in culture.

Real love isn’t compartmentalized through fearful mental concepts. It doesn’t put anyone on an impossible pedestal.

Neither is love a verb, a promise, or an action. Love isn’t what you say, do, think, or feel towards another person.

Love is beyond words.

Love is who You are.

You don’t give or receive love. You are Love.

Love is your real name. Love is all you’ll ever be. You were Love before you were born, and you’ll continue to be Love after you die.

Love is your natural state of Being. It was your energetic state when you entered this world; before societal programming entrenched you in a lower vibration of fear and duality.

Love asks nothing from another. Love needs nothing from another. To say that you need love from someone implies that you are separated from Love.

What you are is what the entire world is searching for.

Every love poem written in history is a longing for what’s already in your heart.

Every love song you’ve ever belted to in three in the morning is a yearning to experience the love you already have.

You already are all that you want in this universe.

To believe that someone else is the gatekeeper of your happiness is giving your Divine Power away. To believe such falsity is placing an unfair burden on the other person; one laced with conditions and expectations.

No matter how “perfect” your partner is, if you’re operating from fear, you’re always going to find a place where they fall short. Fear, after all, is never satisfied.

Love is Unconditional.
If it’s conditional, it’s not Love.

Love sees clearly. It isn’t selective of what it accepts or not. It pierces through all hang-ups and personality flaws.

Love doesn’t feel the need to control another person. It’s already basking in eternal happiness—no matter what’s going on in the outside world; partnered or not.

Love has no resentments, worries, or grievances. Love doesn’t indulge in the petty musings of drama and dysfunction.

To spiritually awaken is to rise above Fear and into Love. From the vibration lack to the vibration of wholeness. This requires the deepest energetic transformation within.

Love begins and ends with you.

Your relationship with yourself must come first. Not because of selfishness but because it will inform all other relationships you have—whether it’s built on love or fear.

The cliché is true: you can’t love others if you can’t love yourself. You can’t “save the world” if you can’t save yourself.

When you ‘love’ someone, you commit to them. You trust them. You have faith in them. You accept them. If you want True Love, you must be all-in committed to yourself.

When you don’t trust yourself, you give your power away to people who don’t understand or accept you. You give your power to Fear.

To be in Love with others, you must be in Love with yourself first. Ruthlessly. Completely. Fearlessly.

Love is tough. Not soft, mushy, or cheesy.

Love is metal, strong, and unbreakable.

Love is kind but it takes no bullshit.

Love is there to make sure you never sell yourself out again.

If you tend to self-abandon, Love will keep giving you opportunities to clear self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns. Such cycles will keep reappearing until you see it; until you learn the lesson; until there's nothing left for you to learn.

You are here because of Love.

Your reason for living is for Love.

Emotional turmoils are ever turbulent in this dense 3D world. These difficulties serve no purpose other than to shift a higher vibration—the vibration of Unconditional Love.

You’re here to transcend all thought patterns that keep you stuck in scarcity, division, and separation. You’re here to witness miracles of Love; to experience unity and perfection.

So the next time you’re anxious, remember you are Love. Next time you judge someone else’s actions, remember they are also Love. Next time you criticize the world for being so messed up, remember it’s all unfolding in the name of Love.

This may seem like a tall order. But if you’ve reached this far and resonated with my words, the door is open when you’re ready to return to Love.

Only Love is real.
Everything else is nonsense.


Angel Sandy 🦋


A New Earth


Your Soul’s Chosen Path